Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just Cuz I Ain't Vibin' Like I Used To...

Sometimes it’s best to just vibe with yourself. I mean sometimes it’s really best to rid yourself of those unnecessary pleasures for awhile and just vibe with yourself. No clubs, no blackberry, no sex, no alcohol, just you…vibing with yourself…your inner self. I mean sometimes it’s just therapeutic to listen to your heartbeat. I know we all know that our heart is beating because we’re still breathing, but sometimes it’s good to just slow down and listen to it... Drama, negativity, stress, it all becomes too much sometimes. Just take a step back…if only for a minute. Celibacy, if only for a minute, is cleansing. It’s ok to say no. Be selfish for a change. If it’s not adding, then it must be subtracting. Cause I’m just not vibing with myself like I was before I let all these outside forces invade my personal space. My atmosphere. Have sex so much it becomes the norm. And for what? For who? Me? Nah, couldn’t be for me, cause if it was for me I wouldn’t be feeling like this. I would be vibing with myself. I mean you seem good and I ain’t bad, but I ain’t good either. I’m just here. Doin’ it. Doin’ you…for you. Not me. Why do I have this phone by me with every move I make? Hell, I can’t even go to the bathroom without it following me. Don’t have time to think a complete thought without lookin’ at this...UGLY *** PHONE! Nah, but it is kinda tight tho. Lemme text Dar… See that’s that BS that I be talkin’ about! Ugh! AND WHY IN THE HELL AM I THIS DAMN DRUNK ON A WEDNESDAY NIGHT?!!! I mean IT’S WEDNESDAY for goodness sake! Geez! Watch me as I digress… I just wanna vibe with myself. No, I don’t wanna vibe with you. No, I don’t wanna come see you so we can “talk.” No, I just wanna vibe with myself. Listen to my heartbeat for a change. You don’t love me and I don’t love you, so quit actin’ like it’s more than what it is. I need to detox, if only for a short while, even it is just for 24 hours. Or maybe for a weekend. I mean what am I really going to miss if I don’t go downtown this weekend? I can save that $20 that I would spend gettin’ into that HIGH *** CLUB!! AND WHEN DID PAYIN’ $20 TO GET INTO A CLUB BECOME THE NORM AROUND HERE? Hell, Dallas AND Houston have lost they mind! Woosah, woosah…let me calm down… Back to what I was sayin’…wait what was I sayin’? Oh yeah, I don’t wanna go out this weekend. I just want to chill in my nice apartment, on my nice (expensive) couch, and watch my nice flat screen TV (that I paid too much for…should've just kept that Magnavox my mama gave me), and cook myself a nice dish, and listen to Maxwell (Fortunate) and just vibe with myself. No friends, no phone, no alcohol, and no weekend ‘boo.’ Just me and the breath I breathe…chillin’. Both just appreciating my heartbeat. And this detox ain’t about nobody else, but me. My body. My spirit. My health. My sanity. Cause everyone and everything else is driving me crazy. I just need to get my vibe back. THAT vibe back…with myself. Cause even if ain’t nothin’ else in my world goin’ right, if I’m vibin’ with myself, everything else will take care of itself. And so will I…if only for a short while.

It’s called MOTIVATION family…one decision at a time, one day at a time, and my life will be fine. It’s almost the weekend!


Anonymous said...

Well gne wrk!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I respect this post. Sometimes we put WAAAAAAAAAAY too much emphasis on the other things going on in our lives to where we forget about... well, OURSELVES lol. As Katt Williams so eloquently put it, how often do we look in the mirror and ask ourselves, "How are YOU doing?"

You've got to be able to 'vibe' with yourself, more than you know. When you put so much importance on the things around you, you end up feeling empty when they're not as present or completely gone. It started with you and God, and it will end with you and God; you just gotta make sure between the beginning and the end, you always keep that in mind and always make sure you're still looking out for you and God.

Great post. Definitely got me thinking first thing in the morning.

Daneen said...
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Daneen said...

I have been vibing with myself lately and I must say... It feels incredible!! I thought I was the only one who felt that way. It's always therapeutic to get away from your usual self. The hussle and bussle of life can sometimes leave you scatter brained. When it does, it's time to take a break!! No drama, no nightlife, no wrist cramps from texting, no crooks in your neck from talking on the phone, no boys, no life. Staring at the wall in deep meditation can turn insaneness into sanity. Sometimes you just need it.

#12 said...

I'm behind so yes I'm commenting days late.

I'm feeling this post b/c sometimes I just have to get away and be alone to start feeling like me again. When I'm with people I give people pieces of me and then eventually I end up being 1/2 the person I am.

So good for you for making time for you. I wouldn't recommend being drunk on a Wednesday though ;)