Tuesday, January 13, 2009

There's more to life...

Something became vividly clear to me while sitting at Starbucks…it’s really not about me. Never has been, never will be. With or without me, the Earth and the contents therein will continue to turn. I was a functioning idiot up until the age of 21. It was my way, the highway or we can square up. Real talk. If I lied to you (shrugging shoulders), I lied to you. If you said something I didn’t like, a confrontation came with it. My heart was good, but it was also selfish. Then….life hit me. I believe that there are only a handful of individuals my age that know what Rock Bottom looks like. If you do, and you made it out alive, I know your heart just skipped a beat two times over when you read those words. Rock Bottom gave me knowledge that I couldn’t acquire anywhere else. It felt like it was the place where everything I had done in my past was waiting to get “reacquainted” with me. It’s the place where everything that I had been running from, as Jeezy puts it, “was gaining on my a**.” All at once. The place where I met Karma face to face and knew it was for real. Rock Bottom is that place where all those things I THOUGHT I was, stared me down and let me know, “you ain’t sh*t!” It’s that place where I laid all my facades down, next to my screwed up morals. It’s that place where regardless of what people did to me, I vowed I wouldn’t do the same thing to them. I went in a spoiled little girl and came out a grown a** woman. It’s that place where I stopped judging people, because just as many fingers that I point at others, are pointing back at me. Rock Bottom is the place where I learned to be honest, just for the sake of being honest. I learned that karma does not discriminate and there is no respect of persons. It all catches up with all of us in the end. It’s that place where I learned that it’s more to life than just wearing the letters and who knows my name. Rock Bottom was that place where I learned that my God deserved more time and effort than my relationship with any single human being on this Earth. I was wrong before I went there. So wrong. It’s really not about me. Really it’s not. I’m a real individual, but I had to die to myself before I could become who I am today. Today I’m committed to a cause and a purpose that’s much larger than myself. Down there I realized one thing…that it all catches up with you in the end. And it became vividly clear to me…that it’s really not about me. Never has been never will be. Don’t be like me and have to hit Rock Bottom before you realize that…

An advocate for real change…motivating you from the inside out.

Welcome to my world…everyday will be a different day. No two days will be the same. I hope to motivate you, to become your own change. This entry is dedicated to my 22 Founders who realized many decades ago that individual selfishness will not get you world wide change. See you tomorrow…


#12 said...

As usual, that was very well written.

"I’m a real individual, but I had to die to myself before I could become who I am today. " That touched me.

In all honesty I hope I NEVER hit rock bottom but I appreciate and respect what you've gone through and the growth that's come from it. I like the new you (mostly because you actually let me eat your Jello -- old Chasity wouldn't have lol) and there's only better out there waiting for you.

Keep it up!

*~KOURT~* said...


That was really good Chas! As always im not the best at being expressive in words...but this was GREAT!!! You have such a gift with words, this is very rare these days. Everything that happens to us happens for a reason. And i truly live by that God wont put more on us than we can bare...and for you to have hit ROCK BOTTOM...or have even been able to experience that shows how strong God knows that you are. There is no TESTimony without a test...and honey you've had an LSAT, SAT, GMAT (u get my drift lol) and you may not have aced them all...hell u may have considered yourself a failure in some of the test...but the point is you overcame and are motivated by it. Continue to motivate yourself and others because its priceless!!!


Anonymous said...


I am proud of you. I have watched you struggle, but I have always believed in you. Even when you told me you "stopped the ice cream truck". You scared the heck out of me, but at least you were honest. I believe that the first time a moment of silence was required in one of our conversations.

All glory and honor truly goes to God when we share our struggles. It's not easy. Pride can sometimes hinder us. A brother/friend whom I love and respect told me today "Know who you are." Jesus was crucified because he knew who he was. When you know who you are, you can die to who you are not. Then you can be infused with the true power of God. Rob shared this with me today.

Stay focused. I know greater things are to come. When I see you, Sha, Dre, and Dez it gives me hope. I then know that J can make it. You are all living proof.

Luv ya...AQ

Anonymous said...

Mann fam you did it once again.

I love the eloquent delivery, you have a was with words. But just like T.I said “god will take you through hell to get you to heaven“ something like that. But sometimes I ask God to deliver me from me. Because at times we can be our own worse enemy, our own biggest critic and even imprisoned in our own mind. But we have to fight the fight, look the devil in the eye and go toe to toe if we have to. I’m not trying to preach or nothing like that but the devil is here to steal, kill and destroy. The devil doesn’t have any love for us. That’s why we have to stand firm in our faith to be able to meet the enemy head on, and trust and believe in the promises of the lord. Late last Thursday, Friday morning one of my closet friends got shoot in the back of the head. But through the grace of good he is yet alive, breathing on his own ,sitting up in a chair on his own and alert. So you can’t tell me my God isn’t real. God has a plan and a purpose in all of our lives, but the question is will you answer to your divine calling.

Keep hope alive.
Change is on the way.

Love you fam, Dre

Anonymous said...

Chas, my 6, my ls, my friend, and the one who keeps me laughing with your wit. I am super proud of you and all that you have accomplished. So few are able to understand the bond we all have with each other and while the top is great it is lonely as well and I am glad to be striving to share that space with you. There is never a doubt in my mind that you will do amazing things and inspire many. God has blessed you with the gift of words and I'm glad you have found this blog as an outlet to share your thoughts, happiness, and struggles. Life lessons as I say. We have learned them all within our years of college and it was during those times when all was down that our true characters were formed. Love you tons, can't wait for the next post :-)


Anonymous said...

Hell of a welcome, C. There’s a saying that goes, “We cannot be who must become, by remaining who we are.” It’s clear that this definitely applied to you. I would certainly contend that that which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t hurt like hell to go through it. As others have said before me, though, it’s admirable that you are using what you have endured as a testimony for others to follow and be encouraged by.

Rock Bottom ain’t pretty. I haven’t been there, but at this very moment, I’m definitely on the edge of a cliff I built myself but that I never thought I’d have to worry about falling off of. But you do/did/have inspired me. You do/did/have motivated me. This entry in itself has convinced me I need to get off the edge and make myself accountable for what I’ve been running from. I look forward to issue two; I have a feeling you have a lot to say that you may not even know folks needed to hear.

Anonymous said...

Since I must leave a comment.. ugh...j/k lol

You have always had a way with words just like your spirit has a way in peoples lives. I've known you for awhile so I've experience the many sides of the ebony diva.. You have been through so much with and without me. You remain unselfish by blessing us with your words and actions to protact us from what life has presented you with.

There will always be a special place in my heart for you Chasity..

Much Love and Respect,
D'Andra Lyn Thomas-Jackson(2)